Shire Member Kudos

If you have an award, but are not listed here and would like to be, please send the relevant information to our Webminister.

Current Member’s Awards & Recognitions

wdt_ID SCA Name Legal Name Award Received Event Date Received Award
1 Reyna Thorne Dawn Marino Award of Arms Woodland Romp III 11/06/2005
2 Angus OF John Downing Purple Fret Siege of Talonval XVI 13/06/2015
3 Paul Sofar Paul Lewis Purple Fret St. Valentine’s Day Massacre 10/02/2018
4 Federigo Sadoletto Bryan Marino Award of Arms Woodland Romp III 11/06/2005
5 Kathleen O’Dea Kathleen Lewis Purple Fret 22/10/2005
6 Kathleen O’Dea Kathleen Lewis Willow 08/01/2008
7 Kathleen O’Dea Kathleen Lewis Award of Arms 11/03/1989
8 Galen the Mad Galen Lewis Purple Fret 08/07/2006
9 Galen the Mad Glen Lewis Award of Arms 11/03/1989
10 Paul Sofar Paul Lewis Award of Arms 14/02/2004
11 Ysoria Fletcher Jenny Smith Award of Arms 08/01/2008
13 Dana Grochenydd Dana Lewis Order of the Evergreen 04/07/2009
14 Dana Grochenydd Dana Lewis Willow 09/02/2002
15 Dana Grochenydd Dana Lewis Purple Fret 19/07/1998
16 Angus OF John Downing Willow 15/07/2017
17 Ana Linch de Yuebanc JoAnn Ewbank Busy Bee 03/01/2017
18 Dana Grochenydd Dana Lewis Busy Bee 03/01/2017
19 Angus OF John Downing Busy Bee 03/01/2017
20 Reyna Thorne Dawn Marino Busy Bee 03/01/2017
SCA Name Legal Name Award Received Event Date Received

Busy Bees
A thank you token for for those Talonval folk who, in the last year, have shown up to support and contribute to The Shire of Talonval. At the majority of Shire activities – meetings, classes, practices, demos, fundraisers, events – these are the people who show up early and help with setup, spend at least part of the day helping out, working, teaching classes, etc., and then stay late to help with tear-down and cleanup. With our thanks and appreciation!